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As of 1/7/13, we are officially launching our national shipping enterprise. This site now features a convenient, user-friendly shopping cart that allows customers to place orders for Victory Pig Pizza to be shipped directly to their doorstep anywhere in the continental United States.
Welcome to the official online headquarters of Victory Pig Pizza! We are proud to be making our long-awaited online debut with the internet’s only one-stop-shop for all things Victory Pig. Our goal is to provide our loyal fans and pizza lovers everywhere with both informational features and an easy and efficient way to have fresh Victory Pig Pizza shipped directly to your home. We will be including a “without-onions” for all our customers who share that preference.
We at Victory Pig are proud to announce that our modest little mom-and-pop pizza parlor has received national praise in a recent issue of Parade Magazine. In the issue entitled “A Slice of Heaven”, Parade lists the 5 regions of the United States that are most famous for their pizza, and then names the two best locations for each region. We are honored to have been named one of our region’s best and among the top ten slices of pizza in the country.
Victory Pig Pizza is now on Facebook! Click Here!